Blepharoplasty Complications
Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelift or eyelid surgery, improves the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids by surgically removing excess skin, tightening loose muscles and repositioning fat around the upper and lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty surgery can rejuvenate the appearance of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert.
Eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure with most patients experiencing a relatively short and simple downtime. However, it is important to realize that the process of recovering from blepharoplasty can vary from patient to patient. Blepharoplasty complications are uncommon but may include any of the following:
Numbness – This is usually a temporary sensation which is present after every blepharoplasty but not noticed by every patient.
Infection – Infections after blepharoplasty are rare. If an infection does arise, it may present itself with increased redness, swelling and pain 8 to 10 days after surgery.
Bleeding – Although the lids boast a rich blood supply, bleeding during an eyelid lift is usually minimal. In rare instances, a blood collection under the skin has to be removed: either with the help of a needle or by opening the incision.
Scarring – It is extremely rare that the healed incision line after blepharoplasty is aesthetically concerning. Very rarely, over-active scar production (a.k.a. hypertrophic scarring) may lead to unusual appearances of the eyelid including additional folds or webs. If these do not resolve with conservative measures, secondary procedures may become necessary.
Incomplete Lid Closure – Incomplete closure of the eyelids (a.k.a. lagophthalmos) may be observed after an upper eyelid procedure. Full lid closure is important for proper eye hygiene and health. If this occurs, protective measures including lubrication with eye drops and ointments, taping of the eyelid at night etc. may be necessary. If the inability to close the eyes leads to problems, reconstructive surgery may be required.
Need for Further Surgery – Whenever a surgical procedure is performed, there is the potential that a touch-up or revision surgery is necessary for the appropriate outcome. Although rare, this also holds true for blepharoplasty.
Vision Impairment – Especially in the early days after an eyelid procedure, vision may be slightly altered. There may even be some double vision after lower blepharoplasty. These experiences should be short-lived and will correct themselves.
If you’re ready to learn more about blepharoplasty in Washington DC, contact Dr. Perman.