Post-surgery care: Maintaining long-term results and skin health after facial procedures banner

Post-surgery care: Maintaining long-term results and skin health after facial procedures

By kep2020 December 20, 2023

Undergoing a facial procedure, whether for cosmetic or medical reasons, can be a transformative experience. However, achieving and maintaining the desired results requires more than just the surgery itself. Proper post-surgery care is crucial for both preserving the outcomes and ensuring the long-term health and vitality of your skin.

Following your facial procedure, protecting your skin from further damage is key. Sun exposure can be detrimental to your healing skin. UV rays can lead to hyperpigmentation, scarring and premature aging. It’s crucial to shield your face with broad-spectrum sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors.

While your skin is healing, you should be diligent about monitoring for infections or complications. Signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, pain or unusual discharge, all warrant a call to your surgeon immediately. Vigilance is key; infections or complications can set healing back significantly or cause lasting damage to the skin.

Proper nutrition and hydration are also vital for the healing process. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support tissue repair and reduce inflammation. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and aid in overall recovery.

Your surgeon will provide guidance on a skincare routine that’s safe for your post-surgery skin. Avoid harsh products including exfoliants and retinoids until your surgeon gives you the green light to reintroduce these ingredients. Gentle cleansing and moisturizing are important to preserve your skin’s health as it heals.

If your procedure may result in visible scars, discuss scar management options with your surgeon. They can recommend treatments like silicone gel sheets, laser therapy or topical creams to minimize scarring. Oftentimes these scar reduction techniques are introduced after the skin has healed from the initial procedure, so attending follow-up appointments is important. These visits allow your surgeon to assess your healing and address any concerns or questions you may have. The healing process takes time, but committing to post-procedure care will maximize your results in the long run.